
Monday, 31 December 2012

The List of Things I Liked in 2012 Part 3

Mr. Darko's Favourite 5 6 T.V. Shows of 2012

As usual I watched a lot of T.V. this year including a couple entire shows that I had missed over the years. However this is the list of the best 6 T.V. shows currently airing that I excitedly waited to watch each week and I can't wait for the next season.

The List of Things I Liked in 2012 Part 2

Mr. Darko's Favourite 6 Indie, Low-Budget, Whatever else of 2012

 This list consists of all the things I didn't consider a big blockbuster that came out this year, but that doesn't mean they are below any of the movies on part 1. I just didn't want to have to mix these movies together into one big list as I felt that certain things would get left out that shouldn't. That's also why this list got extended to 6 as well. Below are the 6 movies that you likely didn't see this year, due to a limited or non-existent release but are definitely worth the trouble to seek them out.

The List of Things I Liked in 2012 Part 1

So after a longer than planned hiatus I have returned to blogging for the new year and will start by wrapping up the last year of movies. I remember having some difficulty making up my list for 2011, and whether I just didn't see much or there wasn't much to see I can say I enjoyed 2012 a tremendous amount more. While I didn't get to see everything I would have liked to, I saw a lot and was very pleased with what both Hollywood and the rest of the world turned out. So here is my list of my favourite 5 blockbusters, favourite 5 indie movies and my favourite T.V. shows from this year.

Monday, 3 December 2012

I'm Back! Soon.

Just thought I'd give you an update on when you can expect some new things. For those of you who waited patiently, thanks. Do to a trying month at work I wasn't able to write much, but I did however continue to squeeze in a movie or two every so often. Actually, it was a total of about 30 movies over the last month since I posted. Since some of them (or most) were movies I think everyone should be aware of, I'll be doing a couple of summary posts with a small bit on each, which I hope to start rolling out in a week or so.

Below is what to expect. Let me know if you want me to cover anything specifically with more than a paragraph be it your favourite movie or something you are thinking of seeing.