

So, if you've read any more than a few of my reviews, and like I have mention a couple of times, I generally review everything, from Oscar winning movies, to trashy B-movies in a positive light. This means that, I have always also refrained from using any kind of standard, rating system such as stars or scores. Now, I've seen some really neat and creative systems out there in the blogging world and was inspired enough to make my won. While my Badges system won't exactly "rate" things on any determinable scale, it will give you a heads up on what kind of movie, a review is about, and what might be some of the highlights of said film. Ergo the boobies badge.

Hopefully you enjoy the system, if you have any comments, or ideas for badges feel free to shoot them to me in a comment below or on any other post. I have not yet decided on how many I will have, I feel like the number might continue to increase as I continue on. Either way, I will hopefully keep them simple enough to easily understand, and if you can't figure one out, come over to this page for an explanation.

The Trophy Badge:
Simply enough. Either this movie won numerous awards, or if it is rather recent, then I think it will likely win some awards.

The B-movie Badge:
This one will just identify those B-movies, that while I am fond of, all might not be so. Expect a low-budget, nudity and violence, and a lot of cheese.

The Big Budget Badge:
This badge will indicate those movies with the budget to give us all the fun special effects, props and expensive actor you desire. Nothing like a couple million dollars of explosions.

The Boobs Badge:
The promise of some topless nudity is always a bonus when it comes to movies. Expect to see some knockers exposed in this movie. Ladies, feel free to request a counterpart to this.

The Classic Badge:
While I don't venture extremely far in the past, there are those times I do. I'll give this to anything pre-1985, that is considered a classic still today.

The Cult Badge:
While mainstream society may not acknowledge these movies as they should, there is undoubtedly a dedicated fanbase somewhere for this cult classic.

The Formula Badge:
This goes to any movie clearly following a standard formula. While this can mean a lack of originality most of the time, remember, it is a formula because it works!

The Garbage Badge:
So far I think only 3 of the movies I've review have earned this badge. Brought out only for the worst of the worst, fear this badge because this movie stinks.

The Heart Badge:
This can only mean one thing. You get to see a real heart. No, this clearly indicates the movie is romantic, and while that could be said about any movie, I'll save it for the gooey ones.

The Outside the Box Badge:
I will cherish every time I get to award a movie this badge. The opposite of the formula, this movie shines with creativity and originality. Or it just gets extremely crazy and far out.

The Low-Budget Badge:
Don't associate this with a bad movie. While they may have had only cents to work with, many low-budget movies are made with more heart than anything Hollywood churns out.

The Hollywood Star Badge:
 This mark a movie straight out of Hollywood. Filled with big stars, big budgets and tones of marketing hype, expect a blockbuster or a cash-grab.
The Soundtrack Badge:
Typically I can't remember for the life of me what songs played during a movie. If I do, they must have been spectacular. Such is awarded this badge, be careful Hans Zimmer.
The Blood Badge:
Always great when served with a side of boobs, this movie makes use of a hefty amount of SFX blood, and most likely some good gore to boot. Caution those with weak stomachs.

The Time Bonus Badge:
I am extremely partial to long movies, but this badge shows up whenever a movie nails its length perfectly. Not to long and not to short, this movie didn't drag on or rush. Time Bonus!

The C-C-C-C-Combo Badge:
This Badge shows up whenever a movie series has given us a solid number of installments. Rare I know, most likely I will have to use a combo breaker badge.
The Flashlight Badge:
This is pretty easy, expect to be grabbing for your flashlight as this movie scares you to pieces, or at least tries to.

So that is all the badges I have for now. Thanks Mr. Editor for whipping these up, both the first batch, and the new ones I regularly email you about. Hopefully, people enjoy this system. I was aiming for originality and the ability to rate things without actually rating them. Feel free to contribute any ideas you have, or tell me that there are too many god damn badges already.

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