
Wednesday, 13 June 2012

29/05/2012: Fanboys [2009]

Have you ever looked back and remembered the exciting build up to the release of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace? For many it probably meant nothing, but for fanboys of the original trilogy, a new movie meant everything. So when one of their friends is dying from cancer, our group of fanboys decides to break into Skywalker Ranch, and watch the rough cut of Episode I early. 

I am not the biggest Star Wars fan out there. While I have seen all the films multiple times, have lego figures of every character, and know my share of trivia, there is most certainly bigger fanboys of the Star Wars saga than me. Those who grew up anticipating every movie, who know every piece of trivia, and have seen every deleted scene. It is towards those fans that Fanboys is directed, and while I thoroughly enjoyed it as a fan myself, I have no idea how Fanboys sits with anyone who is less of a fan.

I feel like I talked about the Star Wars saga as some kind of magical time to be alive, and I think for many of us nerds, it was. So when the second trilogy began it was an extremely exciting announcement. But can you capture all of this excitement and fanboy culture into a movie that does not simply mock Star Wars fanboys? In this case you can.

I saw a picture the other day on how they actually did this. It was not via iPhone.
First off, Fanboy is your extremely standard road trip comedy. Like many before it we gather a group of friends, all with their own unique issues, throw them in a car, and drive them towards a dream. As is the standard, there is some road rage, a trip to Vegas, a couple run-ins with the cops, an Internet hook-up, and of course, a mix up with some hookers. None of this is really new to the road trip movie, what is new is all of the Star Wars references and trivia thrown in.

Fanboys regardless of its association with one of the biggest franchises of all times, is not a big budget movie, and no George Lucas does not cameo. However, with its small budget, Fanboys draws heavily from its excessively large fanbase. So while you may not recognize them if you haven't kept up to date with their appearances, we get cameo's from Billy Dee Williams who played Lando Calrissian, Carrie Fisher who played Princess Leia, and Ray Park who played Darth Maul. Combine this with a number of other movie names, who are simply just fans, like Seth Rogen, and the cast is loaded with some big names and recognizable faces.

It looks like C-3PO.
Of course, our fanboys are the heart of the movie, the characters us fans are supposed to relate to, and share the experience with. I would say the cast of Fanboys was greatly cast, and everyone of them was ready to have some fun. Jay Baruchel fights with Dan Fogler to steal the show, and Sam Huntington and Chris Marquette are there to _________. (fill in the blank) Kristen Bell plays our fangirl, and does a great job, although if you couldn't figure out what was going to happen with her, you really haven't seen many movies.

In the end, this movie would have been nowhere near as enjoyable if not for a cast that was so game, and ready to have all the fun. While the movies story may be fairly standard and simple, the Star Wars fever freshens everything up and makes it enjoyable. There is rarely a minute or so without a Star Wars reference, although whether or not you get them all will determine just how big a fan you are. The trivia page on IMDb is quite length and full of interesting facts.

I think there is probably 10 000+ songs that could fit this moment, including the Lion King soundtrack.
Overall, Fanboys is a movie that will be highly appreciated by a certain audience, although I'm not sure exactly which level of Star Wars fanboys that would be. I for one certainly enjoyed it, and couldn't have cared less if its road trip story wasn't the most creative. While it is mostly accepted that we will never get to see another new Star Wars movie grace the theatre screens again, the number of Star Wars fans is always increasing, and the saga will have left quite the legacy, and I think Fanboys capture much of that.

Fanboys IMDb

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