
Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Mr. Darko's Top Movies of 2011

This just got moved from a page to its own post, since at halfway through 2012, I figured to many people might be confused thinking it was 2012's. While I will begin to compile that list don't expect it until the new year.

So here is a list of my top movies from 2011 along with honourable mentions included. I did realize as I was writing this how few movies I watched from 2011, let alone how many were that great so I'll probably post a current list of my top movies later along with what I plan on watching soon. But for now on to 2011.

Top 5 Movies of 2011

#1 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Honestly this movie really had everything it required and more. A good plotline filled with mystery and exciting adventures, an already set up background, a great cast which added excellent humor, an amazing setting and set, great cinematography, and an amazing director. I really couldn't see anything wrong with it except that it had to end. (bonus points for being over 2 hours). I'm sure if you really wanted to dig you could find flaws, but that's how you tell how good a movie is, by it ability to make you ignore its flaws and just enjoy it.


#2 X-Men First Class

Watched this in theatre this summer, being a fan of the X-men movies although they have their highs and lows. My favourites being X-men Origins Wolverine and X2, (yah I like wolverine). There was some worry over how well another origins movie, especially a prequel for the whole X-men would go over, however this proved to completely wrong. First Class is one of the finest films of the series, featuring a strong story about the birth of the X-men, with a great cast. The mix of younger versions of some of our favourites along with new x-men was exciting and fresh and also had the best cameo of the year. I will be rewatching it eventually.

#3 Drive

This was definitely a hit or miss movie, with its dark slow pace, strange storyline, and surprising brutality. Mixing an awkward relationship story in with a brutal crime thriller complete with criminal underworld. I think it is this movies originality along with the performance by Ryan Gosling that puts this movie at #3, but it is definitely not for everyone.


#4 Stake Land

I think I waited almost a year to finally see this, with so little information on it I wasn't sure if it was already out, or cancelled or months away. Vampire are great with classics like Dracula, Nosferatu, Near Dark being great movies, currently however the sub-genre has taken a turn for the worse with such things as sparkly vegan vampires. Stake Land however is an exceptional vampire film that shows what would theoretically happen if vampirism suddenly became rampant. An apocalypse. Stake Land is about one boys journey with a vampire hunter, seeking refuge in the north (it's always Canada eh?), together they travel through a land of locked down towns, religious cults and ruins crawling with vampires. The journey is a dark one, and builds quite the world on a sadly small budget. Stake Land is one of my favourite vampire movies since 30 Days of Night.


#5 Attack the Block
This surprising indie sci-fi flick shocked audiences with its fun and unique take on an alien invasion. The cast is mainly composed of a gang of teenagers from South London, and while some have trouble understanding the heavy slang and accent I think it adds quite a bit to the movie. The monsters are an interesting creation, they can look a little cheesy, but not due to the special effects, which leave me unable to decide if they were CGI or not. The plotline is nothing special but the characters give it an interesting twist as your view of them changes from one opinion to the other end of the spectrum. With an American remake already in discussion this movie is quite the success.


Movies I have yet to watch that may have made this list (will update if necessary):
  • Shame
  • Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
  • The Descendants
  • The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
  • Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Top T.V. show:
American Horror Story: Premiered this fall on FX, American Horror Story was a one of a kind show which turned the average haunted house/ghost story into a 12 episode affair. While I have only seen 10 episodes I was hooked after the first, as more and more mysteries and stories were revealed. While almost all of the main characters are in fact despicable human beings we still feel attached as the series unfolds but which side are you rooting for become the question. Overall if your a fan of mystery shows such as Fringe and Lost or horror like The Walking Dead, you will probably enjoy this as well, although it's not similar in themes, just taste.

That concludes my Top List of 2011, stay tuned for more top lists for genres, and my favourite movies ever.

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