Saturday, 31 December 2011
31/12/2011: Night Watch (Nochnoy Dozor) [2004]
Night Watch is an adaption of the first in a bestselling series of Russian books, and creates a new fantasy world of Dark and Light others. The plotline is standard for a storyline derived from a book, it builds the world as best it can but is still missing a few pieces. However the world it does build is great, mixing many great elements to create a great fantasy version of modern Moscow where supernatural forces due battle.
Night Watch combines the action sequences, and budget of a Hollywood blockbuster with the essence of the Russian books and culture. While some things become a little muddled in translation, the movie is meant to have some mystery to it normally. The only place it feels awkward is in the emotion of the english voice over which doesn't always match what I imagine the characters would be experiencing.
However the utterly unique special effects are quite something and the Moscow setting is another. Not high end tourism area's but everyday average Russia, filled with dingy apartments and colourful streets. The costumes are also intriguing and the cast is fitting, not filled with celebrities.
I'm not exactly sure why I find Night Watch and its sequel Day Watch to be some of my favourite films, but it has largely to do with the fantasy world in which the movies takes place. I have all the books and will be reading them soon, my only disappointment is there is little hope for the third movie at this point.
31/12/2011: Fifty Dead Men Walking [2009]
This film based on a true story is about the remarkable life of Martin McGartland who spied on the IRA for the British in the 80's. The story captures and inspires emotionally the way fictional ones can't mimic. Dealing with a highly controversial and divisive topic, the film allows you to think about both the overlaying political issues as well as the issues of just one man caught in the struggle.
The movie plays out with the twists that can only be seen in a true story. The only flaw of the movie is that it keeps the realism to the point were the thick Irish accents can hamper your understanding of the dialogue, and with a large number of characters it is sometimes hard to keep track.
However if you're looking for a movie with an amazing true story, or just a thriller this movie has both.
31/12/2011: Moon [2009]
The set is quite amazing featuring a rather large moon base, complete with vehicles, computers and a robot who controls everything. The cinematography is standard inside the base but is filled with a few beautiful views of the earth and space when outside.
That is about all I care to say about the movie, not wanting to ruin it. I would also suggest avoiding any summary's or such. But if you enjoy space movies, thrillers, or those few films shot with one character this is an amazing movie.
30/12/2011: Blame It On Rio [1984]
The movie's cast includes Michael Canine, who is quite funny throughout the film, Demi Moore is the only other actress I recognized although she plays a minor role. One of the highlights of the movie is in fact Rio, with a beautiful setting of a tropical paradise filled with topless beaches, celebration, music, and birds.
Overall the movie is your basic romantic comedy, with Michael Caine giving us quite a few funny lines.
"When getting undressed I sometimes wish that I could leave the room."
Friday, 30 December 2011
30/12/2011: Hellbound: Hellraiser II [1988]
Overall this movie is right on par if not superior to the first film, and while the other 7 films after it may only go downhill, Hellbound is a good follow up to the first movie especially for fans of blood and gore.
29/12/2011: Hard Candy [2005]
I think the tagline on the poster sums this up pretty well. There's not a lot to say, the movie is just uncomfortable to watch, playing with shades of black and white in an attempt to make you think. In the end however I'm not sure what to think nor whether the movie actually got any point across. It also unfortunately dragged on a bit longer than it should have with an obviously unsatisfactory ending. Honestly I'm not sure why anyone would want to subject themselves to this movie.
Note: David Slade has quite the strange portfolio: Hard Candy, 30 Days of Night and Twilight Eclipse.
28/12/2011: The Burning [1981]
Wow every movie I watched today was titled The _______. Also 2/3 where from 1981, what a year that was for horror. The Burning is a classic slasher movie that helped start the 80's slasher craze. Unfortunately it shares a lot of similarities with Friday the 13th which was released earlier that year, and while it claims to have been written first The Burning can come off as a Ft13 copycat.
As a slasher movie however the movie succeeds, taking a while to build up to the slashing, but this allows for the characters to actually develop, something rarely seen in most slashers. The fact that the characters aren't just obvious meat makes you care what happens. Interestingly this is Jason Alexanders first film (George Costanza), and he's not bald! The movie throws in the necessary scares, creepy camera angles, building music, and random sex that we later come to expect in a slasher movie.
The Burning is a great start to the slasher genre, and while a little over shadowed by Friday the 13th deserves acknowledgment for its roll.
28/12/2011: The Howling [1981]
The Howling's plot is well done if not flawless, featuring an entertaining and dark mystery about a colony living in a secluded area of woods. As the mystery unfold a group of reporters are dragged into the colonies secrets and so it goes. The ending however is very good, leaving an interesting question and idea in your mind. The special effects are nothing spectacular in comparison to An American Werewolf in London, but are not bad for 1981.
If you're a fan of the werewolf genre this is definitely a movie to watch, for it may be what you consider the best. Unfortunately I gather its numerous sequels and spin-offs are not great. Personally my favourite werewolf films after In London are the Ginger Snaps trilogy.
28/12/2011: The Devil's Rejects [2005]
The storyline is simple, a family of serial killers on the run as they shoot up the county in an attempt to escape the police. I found this disappointing in comparison to the strange supernaturalish elements in the first movie. Particularly that all scenes pertaining to Dr. Satan were cut (DVD deleted scenes I want to watch).
Overall while The Devil's Reject is one hell of a bloodbath and follows the proper formula, it does not capture the same image as House of 1000 Corpses, and that is its main fault.
27/12/2011: The Descent Part 2 [2009]
As my review of The Descent showed, I though it to be one of the best horror films of the decade. It's sequel however fell victim to every problem a sequel does. The Descent was intended to be a stand alone movie, it didn't play up to the norms, instead being a dark and gritty tale of human survival, and that made it good.
The Descent Part 2 however confines to the standard norms, cutting down the brutality and rewriting the first ending to make things fit. (Uses the American ending w/ a slight variation)
First what did I like: As a standalone horror film, Part 2 fills out the standard formula perfectly, good setting, scary monsters, the right amount of people to be killed off in an obvious order. Also as a sequel it explained a little more about the original (although the ending just left more questions).
What was wrong: that they followed a formula! The first was brutal, giving us no hope. The second gave us the standard heroines, sacrificing and reconciling in order to ensure the groups survival. I preferred the original, where ones own survival was above all else, and a happy ending was not needed.
Also the first movie's scares came from the environment about as much as the creatures. In the second, the set is different (sure that's fine) but it is also lit up almost everywhere, you can always see the cavern or tunnel, well illuminated, eliminating that whole aspect of fear that made the first movie terrifying. I also felt like it was an entirely different cave because of this, and replacing the blood pit with the shit pit was disappointing.
Overall this movie is a mediocre horror flick, but as the sequel to one of the best of the decade, it is an utter disappointment. Throwing away everything that made the original unique.
27/12/2011: Mulholland Dr. [2001]
So this half of my review is without researching anything about the movie, just having simply watched it. (You'll understand soon)
All mystery movies follow the same structure, start out with only asking questions and then begin to give small answers while increase the number of questions. Then end with a big reveal tying everything together.
Mulholland Dr. does only one of these. For 2 hours and 22 minutes this movie simply makes you ask more and more questions, every turn and twist just leaves you asking what the hell just happened. Ans as you get closer and closer to the end waiting for things to tie up in a nice little conclusion the movie continue to just throw questions at you. I am still mostly uncertain about exactly what happened, I think a second and third rewatch would be required, and a wall of post-it notes connected like a spiders web accompanying it. All I can say from watching it is that it, I wasn't disappointed only angry and actually with a strong desire to rewatch it again.
Well, I didn't google to hard and have decided that I will watch this again, with the help of
David Lynch's 10 Clues to Unlocking This Thriller:
- Pay particular attention in the beginning of the film: at least two clues are revealed before the credits.
- Notice appearances of the red lampshade.
- Can you hear the title of the film that Adam Kesher is auditioning actresses for? Is it mentioned again?
- An accident is a terrible event... notice the location of the accident.
- Who gives a key, and why?
- Notice the robe, the ashtray, the coffee cup.
- What is felt, realized and gathered at the club Silencio?
- Did talent alone help Camilla?
- Notice the occurrences surrounding the man behind Winkies.
- Where is Aunt Ruth?
So overall this movie runs along the lines of Memento, in its coherency, and requires at least one rewatch if you want to understand it. You will hate it if you require that the answers be spoon fed too you and all threads wrapped up. However if your enjoy a mind boggling mystery requiring some thought this is one of the best movies in that category.
Not an official poster but I like it best.
25/12/2011: The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus [2009]
This movie takes you on an adventure with a similar style of Alice in Wonderland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It's strange with an extravagant set and costume style and a story that gets rather confusing. The plot is full of strange symbol isms and metaphors with many things hinted at but never explained.
This was in fact Heath Ledgers' last movie,as he passed away during filming. In order to increase the movies confusing story, Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Collin Farrel all stepped in to finish the movie, replacing Heath Ledger as Tony. They do however do a great job.
If your looking for something a little crazy with a lot of imagination this is a great movie.
24/12/2011: Die Hard with a Vengeance [1995]
Yippee Ki Yay Mother Fucker!
The catch-phrase of John Mclane, the Die Hard series is one I traditionally watch every Christmas, while however the third one does not occur on Christmas like the first one. Mclane does make a Santa joke so that's close enough. Die Hard 3 is my favourite of the series mixing the awesome action of the original with a great heist plot.
The team of Bruce Will and Samuel L. Jackson makes quite the duo as they race around New York, with Jeremy Irons masterminding a brilliant plan. The movie begins with a bang and doesn't stop, its pace just keeps going, making it one of the best action films.
Interestingly the first script draft became Speed 2: Cruise Control and when drafted was intended to be Lethal Weapon 3. However it makes a great return to the screen by Mclane who didn't show back up until 2007.
This is definitely my favourite of the Die Hard series, and is a must for any action movie junkie.
Shopping the Mclane way:
24/12/2011: Priest [2011]
So I had only really heard bad things about Priest, which is sad because Paul Bettany never seems to catch a break. The only other lead role I can remember him in is Legion, and we all know had that went.
However Priest is not as bad as made out to be, but is by no means anything you should set out to see instantly. I enjoy vampire movies and don't mind this type of take on them, but then it got confusing when it mixed in the more traditional type. I'll give it to them that they didn't go as far as to make them sparkle though. As well I do like the apocalyptic wasteland setting of the film, mixed with this kinda western yet Bladerunner futuristic style.
Not the worst movie to come out but not groundbreaking or original, watch it its not to much trouble. Hmm, according to the poster it ws 3D, explains some things.
24/12/2011: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (Luftslottet Som Sprängdes) [2009]
So I finally finished off the Swedish trilogy this morning, after passing up the chance to see David Fincher's version of TGWTDT last night. I think that was the good choice, allowing me to watch the Swedish trilogy uninfluenced by the American remake.
When I started this trilogy I had no idea what it was about, and do to the last few book series turned movies (twilight, the hunger games, etc.) I thought it would be along that young adult line. However was I ever in for a treat, this trilogy is dark and filled with mystery, not shying away from anything in Stieg Larssons' amazing book series which I am more and more disappointed he didn't get to finish.
The Swedish film trilogy does however successfully sum up the story arc with few loose ends and really no hint to what the 4th books content would have been. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest is still not as good as the first but is better than the second, so if the second is the weakest and I still think its amazing the others are therefore phenomenal.
While the fourth book turns into a bit more of a courtroom thriller for part, the scenes there help to answer questions and provide a good closure. If you have seen the first I strongly encourage that you watch the others, although I can't imagine anyone not wanting too, as the story of Lisbeth Salander is a gripping conspiracy, and I am curious to see how well Fincher will do it. I give the Swedish trilogy a 9/10.
23/12/2011: The Adventures of Tintin [2011]
Went back to the theatres to see the recreation of a classic childhood comic book character on the big screen and with the unprecedented combination of Peter Jackson and Steven Speilburg, it was a promising movie. Completely animated was fine but I am not a fan of 3D finding it gimmicky and just an excuse to charge more. However Tintin proved to be a phenomenal piece of art, the animation is something so detailed and lifelike it is unbelievable. I have never seen anything like it, and the 3D was done properly. It was not used to randomly pop-out but used throughout to simple add depth and realism to the animation. The combination is quite stunning.
The storyline combines three of Herge's comics, The Crab With the Golden Claws, The Secret of the Unicorn and Red Rackham's Treasure. The stories are combined to create one fluid narrative but however I think the overall essence of Tintin is captured, with references to his adventures everywhere.
I must say that Steven Speilburg truly did justice to the stories written by Tintin, and the animation is something truly unique.
23/12/2011: Fight Club [1999]
Finally watched Fight Club today, as it is the movie that everyone knows the rules of, and is ranked 13th on IMDB's top 250 movies. The movie is definitely quite the amazing film, with great acting, a great story and an interesting setting.
While the movie is apparently some kind of message about consumerism/commercialism I didn't really see this as deeply as some might read into it. However the story of how two men create a cult of average working class men into a national power is original. While I was able to predict the twist at about halfway through the twist was very good and kept the movie going strong.
Overall I can see why this movie is so well liked, and it is something everyone should see.
23/12/2011: The Girl Who Played with Fire (Flickan som lekte med elden) [2009]
Watched the second movie of the Swedish trilogy this morning. While admittedly not as good as the first the movie was still fantastic and still has me anxiously waiting to watch the third.
The film is more of a crime drama but is still full of mysteries and twists. Keeping with its dark tone, the film keeps most of the characters from the first, and delves deeper into the story of Lisbeth Salander. Not much else to say without giving up the plot, which is the reason for watching such a movie. All I will say is that it will not be a major disappointment, and if you enjoyed the first continue the trilogy.
It is important to note that Niels Arden Oplev is not the director of the second two. Also I am disappointed to read that Steig Larsson, the writer of the book series died without finishing his fourth book. What a shame.
23/12/2011: The Descent [2005]
I've always gotten this movie confused with The Cave which came out at the same time and has an almost identical story. However I must say that The Descent is in fact superior and was one of the few movies to really scare me in a whole.
The Descent plays heavily on its cave setting, the claustrophobia and darkness setting a very eerie tone and atmosphere. The fact that only small light sources allow glimpses of only one spot at a time, never allowing you to see everything at once is a terrifying way of filming. Because of this sound becomes extremely important and was just as useful in setting the mood.
The Descent is of course a creature feature, and well, the featured creature was quite terrifying, although as usual implausible.
I was not thrilled with the ending, but their is however a sequel which I will watch soon. You can tell the differences in a horror movie made to be a single movie or a series. The Descent was originally made to be a single film, with a nameless terror. The Descent part 2 however gives the creatures a name and rewrites the original ending a bit. Turns out I saw the European version, the american ending is cut differently and a happier one. I think I prefer the European ending although its not conducive to a sequel.
Overall this is an amazing horror movie, and will definitely get some scares.
22/12/2011: Super [2010]
Shut Up Crime!
This is the catchphrase of the world newest superhero. When you read the blurb about what Super is about you think, okay another average Joe becomes a superhero, time for a drawn out vigilante dealing with moral issues.
Super is not even close, the Crimson Bolt draws no lines and pulls no punches. pedophile? you get a wrench to the face. . Cut in line? you still get your skull split open by a wrench.
What starts off as a man inspired by a religious superhero quickly dissolves into a psychopath on one mission. To save his wife from a drug dealer. Soon joined by a sidekick even more deranged than him the movie is over the top madness.
Who could portray such deranged hero's? None other than Dwight Shrute from The Office and Ellen Page as his sidekick. Somehow this movie managed to slip under, well my radar at least, but that is understandable. This is no family friendly movie, as the amount of violence and gore is fitting to the movie.
Even the end where the usual reflection on his moral choices simply mocks the usual. That is why I enjoyed this movie so much, it goes against all norms, breaks all the rules (they never change), and just does it with a very deranged style.
If your looking for something that goes against the norms this is the superhero movie for you.
22/12/2011: 30 Minutes Or Less [2011]
Really not much to say. It's your standard comedy of its style featuring its generation of comedians. The storyline may have been interesting in a non-comedic setting, but it doesn't do much for the movie.
As you can tell I wasn't really impressed, it's best to watch with friends to have a laugh, otherwise...
22/12/2011: Rain Man [1988]
Watched the classic Rain Man this afternoon. It is quite the story, but can be challenging at times. I personally hated Tom Cruises' character, who was pretty much an asshole, and while he did appear to turn around in some aspects by the end, he still wasn't a lovable character, but perhaps I think that he was meant to be so. Dustin Hoffman played his autistic brother but while pitied and lovable also had his annoying moments.
However I think that the fact that these two are able to make us feel all kinds of emotions towards their character show just how good a job they did. The moments where you just can't take Raymond are what make you understand Charles' character and vice versa. You see how Charles just can't understand his brothers condition, while Raymond doesn't understand what he is doing wrong.
Overall this film is quite well acted if it's nothing visually stunning, it is a moving story with a vague message.
Hmmm. I got pretty deep there. Just remember the maple syrup must be on the table before the pancakes.
22/12/2011: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Män Som Hatar Kvinnor) [2009]
With the recent release of the American remake I decided to watch the original trilogy staring today with the first, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I knew nothing of this movie before I started, not even a trailer for it or the remake, and wasn't even sure which girl might have the dragon tattoo.
I must say the film turned out to be a lot darker than I thought, and leaving none of the violence or sexuality out. The plotline was a very compelling murder mystery, with a small conspiracy and Nazis thrown in. (I love a good Nazi conspiracy), the film did not show its cards fast, keeping the twists, and mystery going and revealing things at a great pacing. The movie was ~2 hours and 30 minutes, so I didn't watch the extended cut, but this was definitely the minimum I feel is required for a good book to film conversion, but I've never read the books so can't tell how close the film was. Just reading up-on the remake, was impressed it actually runs 6 minutes longer, and is apparently truer to the book.
I will be watching the rest of the trilogy this week, and perhaps be curious enough to see how the Daniel Craig version is. Personally I like foreign films and have no problem with a different language as once I start the subtitles disappear and I don't even notice. I also as you can tell, pretty much like anything I watch so...
Overall TGWTDT is a great murder mystery, one of the best I have seen in the last few years, and is outstanding for a Sweden-Denmark-Germany collaboration.
I also prefer this poster to the new versions.
21/12/2011: Event Horizon [1997]
Clearly a large inspiration for Pandorum [2009], Event Horizon features a similar plotline but is much more mental/psychological and less substantial/physical horror, which is sadly unexplained. However this is a top notch space horror flick, especially if you liked Pandorum.
20/12/2011: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows [2011]
Went to the theater last night and saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie, and I will definitely be watching it again, perhaps even next week. Simply put the movie is full of guilty pleasures and if you don't enjoy it, or find to many faults your trying to read to deeply into it.
First off Guy Ritchie, has directed some of my favourite films, including Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch. As well Sherlock Holmes boasts a stellar cast, including Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, and Noomi Rapace (Girl Who Played With Fire the Swedish trilogy)
While this envisioning of Sherlock Holmes may present him in a much more adventurous, fist fighting, and action sequencing light, Holmes is " so overt he's covert" as he is still portrayed as a man of high intelligence and skill, simply with a hint of Robert Downey Jr. wit.
The movie is, as I like it to be, over two hours, but at no point gets dull, or drawn out. The cinematography was brilliant, especially the scene in which they run through the woods. That scene has some of the best camera work I have seen. I also love the setting a time period.
Overall A Game of Shadows is an excellent sequel which may surpass the original, and leaves you begging for a trilogy ( apparently already being written before his was released).
Favourite Line: "They're dangerous at both ends and crafty in the middle"
20/12/2011: Leon The Professional [1994]
Being a Jean Reno fan, and enjoyer of hitman themed movies I decided to check out Leon the Professional. I can safely say that the movie is not for everyone, while with a significant amount of action sequences the movie is slow and filled with awkward dialogue related to the even more awkward relationship between Leon and Mathilda.
I watched the international cut with some extra scenes from the original theatrical release. Overall I found the film to be one clearly trying o express some kind of deep and tangled story, but must say it can be uncomfortable and awkward most of the time, and not the exact film you want to watch unless your in the mood.
Couldn't get the actual poster to work, so here is a cool fan made one.
20/12/2011: Primal Fear [1996]
Primal Fear is a courtroom murder mystery, taken to a new edge (16 years ago) with the question of sanity and mental health put into question. I wont reveal the plot, as it is very good with a couple twists.
Richard Gere, Edward Norton and Laura Linney give excellent performances. Highly recommended if you enjoy mystery or courtroom movies.
19/12/2011: Grown Ups [2010]
A simple comedy written by Adam Sandler, starring of course Adam Sandler and pretty much every other major film comedian that Sandler has appeared with. Other than the stellar cast, Grown Ups brings nothing really new to the table. I found that the obvious turning point had little build up, just suddenly revealing all the families problems in literally 2 minutes. The movie then reestablished the classic moral dilema and ending.
Overall I find that Adam Sandlers early work is his greatest, with films like Zohan, Grown Ups and Jack and Jill (no interest in seeing) are just pitiful. Here's hoping for Hotel Transylvania to be a hit.
19/12/2011: Highlander [1986]
IMDB : An immortal Scottish swordsman must confront the last of his immortal opponent, a murderously brutal barbarian who lusts for the fabled "Prize".
Upon reading this summary the movie sounds a little ridiculous, and I was weary of watching it. However I was pleasantly surprised to find this fantasy movie extremely enjoyable, with a good mix of Braveheart, Sean Connery, the supernatural, and New York city.
Telling the story of both the current fight amongst immortals in New York as well as splicing it scenes telling of Macleod's life of ~450 years, the movie is rich in fantasy, and sword fights.
It is of little surprise that the movie spawned a franchise including several sequels, a couple T.V. series, as well as books and comics. Unfortunately I am disappointed to see how poorly those appear to have gone, with the plotline being rewritten and other movies forgotten. I shall however watch them in hope, and if need be the T.V. series, because this concept appears promising.
19/12/2011: Escape From New York [1981]
Being a fan of John Carpenter, I decided to see what he could do outside of the horror genre. Escape From New York features a very interesting concept, the U.S. turning New York into one large ungoverned prison.
A fan of post-apocalyptic films, EFNY featured the society of inmates as the typical society one sees in those films, complete with all the strange characters that evolve from it. The main character played by Kurt Russel, a ex-special forces criminal named Snake, who sports an eye patch is clearly the inspiration for Solid Snake the protagonist in the Metal Gear series.
Another actor of note is Donald Pleasance, who played many famous roles throughout his career, including several of John Carpenter's films, such as Dr. Loomis in the Halloween 1-5.
This movie was nothing special and mediocre at best, but I am still interested to see the other one, mostly too see how they work the plotline.
18/12/2011: Planet of the Apes [1968]
Watched the last half of this classic as well, having seen it a couple times before. Until a couple months ago I had always thought that it was in fact the remake of the original and was surprised to learn that the remake was a 2001 movie with Mark Wahlberg. After watching the trailer for Tim Burton's re-imagining of the classic I decided i wouldn't like it.
For this version is a classic film and I imagine superior. The simplicity of its special effects mean that it doesn't appear to age. If you haven't seen it by now get out there and do so. The ending is still one of the best.
Also Kim Jong ll is dead.
18/12/2011: Drive [2011]
I had heard a lot of hype about this movie, and while I had no idea what to expect in terms of the plot I was not disappointed. While the reviews on IMDB are pretty much bi-polar, the movie currently sits at an 8.2/10.
This movie falls into the category of an action thriller, but a much deeper and thought out one than the average crime drama. With Ryan Gosling as the lead probably speaking a mere 50 words the entire film, the camera is constantly shooting from odd angles, and slowing down emotional moments. Also interesting was the films soundtrack, no rock and roll during the action sequences but instead softer music during the numerous emotional reflection scenes.
As much as this film was about the emotional storyline, it surprised me with its brutality. A number of scenes feature brutal deaths and even so apparently the elevator one was toned down. I felt it's brutality was not mindless but in fact complimented the tones of the film.
Overall while I won't be dying for a re-watch the film is definitely Oscar material.
18/12/2011: Life As We Know It [2010]
After yesterdays horror extravaganza I started the morning with a standard romantic comedy with a bit of a twist. The two lead are suddenly responsible for the care of an orphaned baby when their mutual friends die in and accident.
I originally thought 2+ hours was rather long for a romantic comedy and while it seemed to go on forever at no point was I opposed to it, the film keeping it interesting and not doubling back on itself. Overall it was well done and originalish.
17/12/2011: Army of Darkness [1992]
Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun.
So heralds Ash once again, an even more badass hero, with a chainsaw hand who has travel in time for the third installment of the Evil Dead series, sometimes called The Medieval Dead.
Unlike the others, Army of Darkness has cut out the buckets of gore and left the lonely wooded cabin of the first two films. As seen in the end of Evil Dead II Ash has been tranported back to 1300 A.D., where the army of darkness threatens a castle and kingdom.
A much more comedic film, I found Army of Darkness to be an amazing blend of the Evil Dead hero ash and a good old medieval quest movie. The special effects while cheesy, allow for armies of skeletons and fun twists all along the way. With Ash using such memorable lines as "Gimme some sugar, baby." and "Honey, you got reeeal ugly"
The end scene is also hilarious as Ash chooses to give up his nearly godly status in favour of introducing himself as "Name's Ash, housewares."
Overall Army of Darkness is an amazing movie, and a great comedy, if they haven't kept the blood rolling down the screen.
I think I will definitely be buying this poster the next time I pick some up.
Ok I already bought it.
17/12/2011: Evil Dead II [1987]
It is not until about 15 minutes in that the movie finally figures out its on fast forward and begins to resemble anything like a movie. Evil Dead II then proceeds to follow the trail of the original.
However the ending of the movie is the most entertaining part. First off Ash, after sawing off his own possessed hand, fashions himself a substitute out of a chainsaw, along with his sawed-off shotgun, Ash begins to kick some ass, until finally the portal is opened and the demon vanished.
I actually prefer the entrance into 1300 A.D. at the end of Evil Dead II as opposed to the one in Army of Darkness.
Overall, while Evil Dead was better the first time, the reinvention of Ash is superior in the II.
17/12/2011: The Sorcerer's Apprentice [2010]
Been watching the Movie Network the last few days, and while I can't remember the last time I watched a Disney movie, The Sorcerer's Apprentice contained quite a few names I recognized. Nickolas Cage appeared as another rendition of pretty much the same character he plays in every movie, the dark mysterious and misunderstood good guy/badass. Jay Baruchel however stars as the lead or "the apprentice", and as always plays quite the odd and dorky character. Teresa Palmer, plays the Stutler's love interest, and has appeared in quite a few other bigger pictures.
The movie was interesting in attempt to explain magic in relation to science, although still implausible the attempt at an explanation was a nice touch. The CGI magic of course is always fun, with fire and lighting racing across the screen. Also along with the magician/sorcerer territory always seems to come the same style of related props. My favourite always being the hats, and the classic leather duster.
16/12/2011: The Trip [2010]
So I usually enjoy a good British comedy, but in order for that to happen the movie has to well, do something. The Trip is the story of two men who travel on a trip through Northern Britain on some kind of food critic tasting trip, and well that about it. There a very subtle moral change in Steve Coogan, but nothing significant.
Stranger still is the leads are in fact acting themselves, or at least characters based on themselves. Rob Brydon is actually quite entertaining as a impressionist. However most of it is in fact improv.
The key to this movie lies in the fact that is was actually also split into a six episodes and air as a T.V. series. If you can and as others seem to suggest that is definitely the way to go in seeing this story unwind.
T.V. Series:
16/12/2011: The American [2010]
Once again the trailer lead me to believe there would be a lot more of a hitman action movie in this movie, but it is a completely different beast than the trailers indicate. Throughout the movie I really had no idea what was going on, and the fact that the one woman changes her hair colour and style in each of her scenes didn't help me piece anything together.
However the best description I read of this movie is that it is in fact a deep character study of Jack/Edward, "The American", a man of very few words. As the story unfolds it sucks you in and your questions begin to mount. Shot in Italy, by a Dutch director and an Italian cast this movie is an beautiful trip to the Italian countryside.
Overall this movie is quite amazing if it is what you are looking for.
15/12/2011: 50/50 [2011]
Wasn't really expecting the movie I got as Seth Rogen usually inspires thoughts of a completely outrageous comedy. Also has Seth Rogen ever done a movie without pot? Even when playing an extraterrestrial he slips it in.
Anyway onto the movie, which while primarily being a drama about cancer, is in fact a comedy of a completely different variety. A slower pace, 50/50 while not exactly making you think deep, does in fact make you feel deep drawing on the strong emotions caused as we watch how cancer affects oneself and those around you.
Interesting fact: the scene below in the poster was unscripted and Joseph Gordon-Levitt did actually shave his head.
14/12/2011: Evil Dead [1981]
So I'd heard a lot about this film, mostly referencing it as one of the best zombie movies ever. Of course anyone who had watched the movie will in fact tell you that they were not zombies, instead demons possessing the living/dead.
At first I was not getting into this movie, having to stop 12 minutes in and then 25 minutes in (literally pausing during the first possession), but after I finally sat down to finish it I must say bravo!
A couple of interesting things I noticed while watching is that
1. Ash is definitely the Fastest Gravedigger in the West. and
2. Ash is thrown into every bookcase in the room and pinned underneath during the first two attack scenes.
The gore and blood in this movie doesn't stop once its started making for a gritty campy horror classic. unfortunately this movies budget puts it on the line of being a humorous mockery of the horror genre and trying to be a part of the genre.
In fact most of the original actors left half way through, and many shots were done as simply as the director, San Raimi, and Bruce Campbell mounting a camera on a 2X4 and running down the hall.
Overall this is a classic unintentional masterpiece, and is more interesting the more I read. Unfortunately Bruce Campbell has yet to actually use the chainsaw, but there is always hope in Evil Dead II. (Where I heard the tree rape scene gets repeated).
11/12/2011: Sleepaway Camp [1983]
Riding in on the slasher craze of the 80's sleepaway camp, well to put it simply, was probably written by a mental patient. However with terrible acting and sketchy plot, Robert Hiltzik's directing still creates quite the atmosphere. Also it may be one of the few movies I've seen where the teenage characters actually were played by actors their age.
The entire reason this movie has achieved it's cult status is that it has the biggest shocking twist of an ending. This is an image that definitely sticks in your mind. [spoiler]
Also Aunt Martha packed a WHOLE BAG of chips.
11/12/2011: An American Werewolf In London [1981]
Finally went back to the good old 80's horror flicks with the werewolf classic some would argue is the best werewolf movie, with the best transformation.
The werewolf transformation is definitely the most detailed scene I have ever seen, lasting at least over two minutes. (I checked). While I enjoyed the movie I didn't find anything scary in it, and while the gore was apparent it was nothing compared to today's standards.
However AWIL is undoubtedly a classic and definitely one of the finest of the sadly limited werewolf genre. The "sequel" is apparently rubbish in comparison, especially almost 20 years later, but I will be watching it sooner or later.
Also interesting is that I never realized how old Animal House was. Also why does the keyboard have ^,<,>, but no down arrow?
10/12/2011: I Love You Phillip Morris [2009]
So I stumbled upon this the other day, and seeing Jim Carrey was in it went ahead and watched the trailer. Let me tell you that was quite the tricky and enticing trailer. It captured most of the exciting parts and hinting at the very interesting premise of a gay con-artist. W
hile the movie turned out to be a lot more prison time than the trailer hinted, and being a quite in-depth love story, it was still however very entertaining. Based in fact on a true story, and not at all loosely. Steven Russell is in fact a gay con-artist in the U.S. who fell in love with Phillip Morris and proceeded
to escape prison several times and con Morris out as well.
The movie was a refreshing true story, and as always Jim Carrey was an amazing actor and probably portrays his character with a little more Jim Carrey persona thrown in than there really is, but that makes the movie better.
Steven Russell:
09/12/2011: Pontypool [2008]
Shut Up or Die. The tagline of Pontypool is the only hint towards the dark mystery that is this movie. A psychological thriller Canadian indie director Bruce Mcdonald, bring us a strongly original movie, about the strange events occurring in a small Ontario town on Valentines Day.
The originality in this movie was amazing leaving many questions unanswered and begging for a re-watch, (one it will definitely receive). On top of that the film hits me on two other levels, my love for great movies filmed in one set, and the fact that as a Canadian the town of Pontypool is in fact just hours away.
I give this movie an 9/10, and will be recommending (or more aptly shoving down the throats) of my friends.
Just remeber:
Pontypool Changes Everything.

07/12/2011: Crazy, Stupid, Love [2011]
As I am stuck in the year 2011 currently I spent a bit debating about this but then said Steve Carell it's gotta be funny. And it was. Not a roll on the floor can't breath funny, but a subtle humor that mixed well with the story, and tone. While I won't ruin it the movie is a nice ~2 hours (I hate short movies) and plays out nicely it takes a slight dip after the first hour but the compilation of everything climaxes with a really great twist.
Fun fact: type in craz in google and the movie title is the first search.
06/12/2011: Day of the Dead [2008]
After watching the original George A. Romero's Day of the Dead, just last week I decided to see what I thought was a remake. Sadly this film is not even close to such a thing. If it had been titled anything but Day of the Dead I would have been fine with it.
Taken as a zombie movie, the movie is okay, and interesting. But when viewed as one of the Dead series it fail horribly. My first problem is that in fact the movie takes place at night, at the center and beginning of the outbreak. It rewrites the entire outbreak even stating a cause, giving it no ties to the Dead series. Overall, as Day of the Dead I give it a 5/10, without that name probably a 6~6.5/10
They did however keep Bub/Bud the friendly zombie, who used to be in the military and still reacts to drill commands.
05/12/2011: Our Idiot Brother [2011]
Watched this last night, watching a lot of new movies lately. Another comedy/drama. Enjoyed it although it wasn't a laugh out loud type of movie, would give it a 6/10.
04/12/2011: Loosies [2011]
Well first movie I've watched since I started this blog. It's a what? Romantic comedy/ kinda heist movie, as you will soon see I can never define genres.
A professional pickpocket, nope here the IMDB summary:
A young pickpocket in the New York subways, living a fast, free, lifestyle is confronted by a woman whom he had a one night affair with, she informs him that she is now pregnant with his child, he must now choose between continuing the lifestyle he lead or take responsibility for his actions.
Thanks Anonymous for that one.
Enjoyed the movie, actually got around to watching it within a week of discovering it. IMDB leads me to believe it's not even in the U.S. yet.
I will give ti a 7/10, because I couldn't complain, I didn't expect a blockbuster and the pickpocketing while minor was fun, and it even worked in an albeit foreseeable twist.